Thursday, October 29, 2009

Recent Events

Hello, all!

We were happy to see that Open House was very well-attended on Tuesday night. It certainly didn't hurt that Mrs. Herman also had her Career Expo on the same night; that always draws a crowd from both middle and high school students. If you have questions or concerns resulting from your conversations with teachers, don't hesitate to give us a call.

College reps and military recruiters continue to visit us on a daily basis. Please listen for announcements, visit the Guidance page on the HS website, or stop in to view the list of upcoming visitations. These are great opportunities to learn more about your options for after high school.

Red Ribbon Week began on Monday. The theme for this year is, "Join the Fight Against Drugs!" Out SADD members were very busy handing out bracelets (instead of ribbons!) on Monday morning. Friday is the big Fall Festival at Schick Elementary, and many SADD members will venture there for part of the day to assist in the festivities. This will be the culmination of the Red Ribbon Week activities at Schick. Special thanks to Sgt Edwards, who is bringing a dogtag-making machine and will provide a dog tag for each elementary student with his/her name and the "Join the Fight Against Drugs!" theme imprinted on it.

Mark your calendars for November 10 at 6:30pm, when Don Shade from PHEAA will be in the library top speak with parents about financial aid. Especially considering today's economy, it's always good to be prepared for such an expense!

Take care!